Custody & Employment Concerns
When to call an expert witness
When a mother wants to pump her milk or breastfeed her baby on her breaks and her employer is unsupportive or prohibits it.
During family law, divorce and paternity actions where the father seeks overnight, weekend or longer visits or sole custody with a breastfeeding child who is not developmentally ready.
When a new custody order is in place that requires transition to partial or full bottlefeeding.
When a monitored visit is ordered for a breastfed baby.
When you hire Nicole, she will provide information and testimony about:
- strategies for how to balance various competing interests while protecting the breastfeeding relationship
- information about US and state by state legislation regarding breastfeeding issues
- how breastfeeding is not just a lifestyle choice but a nationally and internationally supported health initiative
- health benefits to both mother and baby
- harmful side-effects to mother and baby if not breastfeeding
- information and analysis of breastfeeding statements by the American Academy of Pediatrics, World Health Organization, UNICEF and others
- breastfeeding as a civil rights issue
- breastfeeding practices for the workplace
- practical information on breastfeeding duration, frequency, and how mothers make milk and sustain supply
- emotional needs of the baby including separation anxiety and attachment
- co-sleeping and the necessity of nighttime parenting for breastfed babies
- how to respectfully and gently transition a breastfed baby to deal with temporary motherbaby separation and alternative feeding situations or possible nighttime separation