Breastfeeding and Attachment Parenting Expert Witness and Consultant

Family Law | Custody | Time-Share Analysis | Litigation & Arbitration Witness | Employment Disputes | Breastfeeding in Public | Lactation Insurance Billing & Coding

Nicole Peluso is a lactation consultant certified by the International Board of Certified Lactation Examiners, a parenting educator certified by Attachment Parenting International, and a birth and postpartum doula (labor and perinatal caregiver) trained at the National Midwifery Institute. She also owns billing companies that handle insurance claims for midwives and lactation consultants throughout the US.

Nicole assists law firms and private clients in family law research and oral and written testimony as it relates to infant and toddler breastfeeding issues. She advocates for the welfare of the child and what is in the child’s best interest based on evidentiary information on lactation and informed by the attachment parenting model. She helps parents negotiate custody schedules using the family-centered, attachment parenting philosophy.

Nicole supports mothers in employment situations that limit or prevent pumping breast milk in the workplace, an activity protected by federal laws. She also represents mothers where breastfeeding has been limited or prevented in a public venue. Additionally, she represents those seeking insurance reimbursement for lactation services under the Affordable Care Act who have been denied rightful benefits by their insurance companies.

Based out of Los Angeles, CA, and the NY metro area, Nicole can consult electronically or travel to your destination. She is internationally certified with the highest designation of clinical lactation provider currently available and has provided testimony in a variety of court settings.  

Helping parents and companies protect the breastfeeding relationship.

Reach out for a free phone consult:

Our Services

Declarations, In-Person Testimony, and Expert Reports

Custody Arrangements

Negotiate or argue in the best interests of your child with evidenced-based scientific information on the benefits of breastfeeding, how the breasts function and establish milk supply, and the importance of strong early attachments.

  • design of step up time-share plans for the breastfed baby
  • divorce litigation and mediation consulting  
  • assisting the legal team on current lactation medical recommendations

Negligence & Employment

Assist your client with expert clinical opinions on lactation-related negligence or employment cases including work space pumping access, discrimination, medical negligence, public access for breastfed babies, and more.

  • employee rights research
  • sexual and gender discrimination in the workplace for breastfeeding mothers
  • lactation clinical opinions

ACA & Insurance Billing

Affordable Care Act violations by insurance companies not following the US mandate to cover lactation without cost-sharing to the patient can and should be fought in court for full access to lactation support.

  • claims coding testimony including best practices in coding and payer benefit guidance interpretation
  • patient rights research and opinions on women’s preventive care coverage for breastfeeding 

Free initial phone consultation.
CV and list of prior cases available on request.